7 Simple Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself Every Day

Hey beauties! Time for some self-care hacks. As you probably know by now if you’ve been following me for awhile, health and wellness are two things that I take pretty seriously. We only get one body and one mind, so I feel like it is crucial to take good care of them in order to truly enjoy all that life has to offer. That said, I do think staying balanced and not restricting yourself is extremely important… so don’t judge me the next time you see me eating pizza ;).

I believe self-care starts with the little things, and today I want to share 7 simple ways we can take better care of our bodies and minds every day. Super happy to say this post is sponsored by one of my FAVORITE natural brands, Native. All of their products (including the new body wash and bar soap they just launched) are made with fewer, simpler, clean ingredients so you know everything thatโ€™s in them.

8 Easy Health Hacks | Autumn Sorelle + Native

8 Easy Health Hacks | Autumn Sorelle + Native

8 Easy Health Hacks | Autumn Sorelle + Native

8 Easy Health Hacks | Autumn Sorelle + Native

8 Easy Health Hacks | Autumn Sorelle + Native

7 Simple Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself Every Day

All of these easy hacks are things you can start implementing right away. And let me tell you – you’ll be glad you did!

1. Use natural beauty products.

I feel like this is one that so many people neglect! Our skin is extremely absorbent so we have to be careful with what we put on it.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is that so many products (from well-known brands!) contain harmful ingredients. A lot of them are so bad that they’re illegal in Europe, which has much stricter standards than the U.S. Checking the products you use every day like your deodorant, face wash, body wash, shampoo & conditioner, etc. is crucial.

This is where Native comes in! I first fell in love with their coconut vanilla deodorant, so when I heard they were launching body wash and bar soap I was STOKED. I’ve been using the eucalyptus & mint body wash (pictured above) for a few weeks now and I’m obsessed. The clean ingredients are clearly laid out on the back, plus it actually works and smells so fresh (great scent for guys too). There are five other scents – I think I want to try the lavender & rose one next! An added bonus is that it’s only $10 – really inexpensive for a natural brand. You can save a little more with my coupon code ‘autumn10%’ ๐Ÿ™‚

Get yours now and thank me later!

2. Incorporate superfoods into your diet.

Check out a great list of them here. All you have to do? Buy your favorites at the grocery store. Eat them. BOOM – so easy. A few of my go-tos are dark leafy greens like kale and spinach (I like to get the power greens mix at Trader Joe’s), berries, kiwi, raw mixed nuts (make a great snack mixed with dark chocolate – another superfood), oats, salmon, and avocado.

3. Five minutes of meditation.

Taking the time to slow down and ground yourself has incomparable benefits.

This doesn’t necessarily mean sitting cross-legged on the floor and emptying your mind of all thoughts. Do what works for you – I like to sit on my comfy couch, close my eyes and focus on different themes like gratitude or peace. The Calm app is great for this if you want something that’s more guided.

4. Drink water first thing in the morning and throughout the day.

Drinking 16oz. of water right when you wake up is quite possibly one of the best, easiest health hacks out there. It kickstarts your metabolism, rehydrates, flushes out toxins, fuels your brain, and more.

What I like to do is get a big glass of water when I go to bed and leave it full on my nightstand so that it’s there to drink right when I get up.

5. Move your body.

No time to workout? No excuses – there’s always time to get your blood flowing. Stretch in the morning, park a little further from the store entrance to get in more steps, or take a walk during your lunch break.

6. Dedicate some time each day as “no screen time”.

Put down your phone, turn off the TV. Read a book, journal, chat with someone, cook – just avoid technology. As someone who has to be on social media a lot for my blog as well as my full-time job, I have to be sure to set aside time every day to not be on my phone.

I’m working on spending the first and last hour of my day without my phone as part of November’s Mindfulness Challenge (check the ‘mindfulness’ highlight on my Instagram profile if you don’t know what I’m talking about!).

7. Prioritize sleep.

This one seems like a no-brainer, but why is it so difficult? Planning your day so that you allow yourself to sleep an adequate amount is a must. I personally notice the biggest difference when I sleep 8 hours vs. less than that.


After writing this I’m feeling more inspired to really stick to all of these self-care hacks every day – hope you are too! Do you have any other simple ways you take good care of yourself? Tell me in a comment below. ๐Ÿ™‚

XO Sorelle

Thanks again to Native for sponsoring this post!