How to Stay Present While Traveling

Hey friends! As you know I recently took a trip to Europe with my family. We spent a week in Italy (which you can read about here) and then went to Prague. Before we left for the trip I decided that although I wanted to be sure to take photos while I was there and document/share, I wanted my main priority to be enjoying time with my family. I wanted to stay present while traveling with them as much as I possibly could.

It seems like this is something so many of us struggle with nowadays when we’re on vacation because we feel this pressure to take photos and share them on social media. I brought this up on my Instagram story prior to leaving and so many of you agreed.

Before I share tips for staying present while traveling, why is it so dang important?! WELL when we’re present we are able to take in the beauty around us, notice and appreciate small moments, feel more content, and create lasting memories. On the flip side, when we’re distracted by our phones, we easily feel distracted and dissatisfied. What is the point of spending time and money to travel if you aren’t going to take the steps to fully enjoy it?

I’m not saying don’t take any photos at all – that would be extremely hypocritical coming from a blogger – I’m just saying there are ways to be mindful of how and when you’re on your phone.

Here are my biggest tips for how to stay present while traveling…

By no means am I claiming I am an expert at this. Even though mindfulness is something I’m passionate about, on our trip I had to remind myself over and over to come back to the current moment and forget about my phone. It takes work!

Take photos, but post them later.

This one is HUGE. Huuuuge I tell you. Taking photos of the scenery, food, etc. doesn’t (shouldn’t) take too long – so go for it! Just wait to post the photo ’til you’re not out and about. Thinking of a caption and tagging and is time-consuming and takes you away from what’s in front of you.

Tune into your senses.

I think this is something my mom taught me. When you’re feeling like you’re being pulled in a bunch of different directions and want/need to reground yourself, take note of the sights, smells, and sounds around you. This is a really great way to create a vivid memory in your brain.

@AutumnSorelle | Stay Present While Traveling-3

Be sensitive of others’ experiences.

This is something I really learned on our Europe trip. I would see a spot that I thought was great for a photo and would bug my mom or sister to help me take one. Even though it didn’t usually take long, I was pulling them away from the moment as well as myself. It is so crucial to stay mindful of the experiences of those that you’re traveling with!

Keep your phone in your bag.

Instead of in your hand! This is such a simple hack that will go a long way. If you’re holding your phone while you walk around, you’re more likely to look at it instead of what’s in front of you.

Don’t waste time being annoyed.

This one is big when traveling with family! It’s super normal to get frustrated with the people you’re traveling with… trust me I know from experience lol. On this recent trip we all tested each other’s patience. However, dwelling on your negative feelings towards others is SUCH a waste of time! Instead try to shake it off, find humor in the irritating moments, and come back to the present.

There are so many different ways that we can focus on staying present while traveling. These are just a few that have worked for me and that I think can be really beneficial. The biggest thing is to use your phone in the right time and place and stop to notice the beauty around you. Talk about it with your travel companions, journal, whatever… Just find ways to focus on the present.

Thanks for checking out this post – I hope you think of it the next time you’re traveling!

XO Sorelle