7 Ways to Make Sure you Have a Successful Week

Happy Sunday friends! As I was brainstorming topics for this blog post I started thinking about what’s been going on in my world, and how I could share it with you guys in a way that you might relate to. Work has been pretty stressful recently… Our company is opening up a new restaurant in a week and my workload has increased dramatically since I’ve helped plan all of the opening events. That said, recently it has been more important than ever for me to be intentional with my time. I’ve had to focus on being productive but also healthy and balanced so I don’t wear myself too thin.

Today I want to talk about some of the ways we can make sure we have a successful week. Fitting topic for a Sunday, right? First of all though – what does it even mean to have a “successful” week? To me this means a week where I get things done and also feel joyful, happy, and connected to the world around me. Success isn’t always measured in how much we accomplish, and happiness isn’t something we can magically achieve. We create these things for ourselves with our intentions, thoughts, and actions.

Keep reading for all of my tips on this topic!

Autumn Sorelle | Francesca's

Autumn Sorelle | Francesca's

Autumn Sorelle | Francesca's

Autumn Sorelle | Francesca's

Autumn Sorelle | Francesca's



Real quick… How cute is this set from francesca’s?! Great for summer and I have to say – it is without a doubt one of the most comfortable things I’ve ever worn. So soft and flowy and it doesn’t gape in any weird areas even though it’s a criss-cross top. It runs true to size (I’m wearing a small here) and really fits perfectly. I think I got like 5 compliments from strangers while we were doing this shoot haha!

Now onto my tips πŸ™‚

7 Ways to Make Sure you Have a Successful Week

1. Plan it out.

This is something I learned from one of my favorite bloggers, The Skinny Confidential. Taking 20 minutes or so on Sunday evening to plan out your week – coffee dates, workouts, etc. is extremely helpful. It’s great to have an outline of what you want your week to look like, but also remember to go with the flow and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t stick to it completely.

2. Prioritize.

Another way to ensure you have a successful week is to think about what your top priorities are. Maybe it’s a project with a deadline coming up, a friend that needs you to be there for them, or some self-care to rejuvenate after a stressful time.

Create a to-do list for your week and then at the beginning of each day write a mini to-do list with your biggest priorities being at the top of the list.

3. Take care of yourself.

THIS IS CRUCIAL! Don’t just go go go throughout the week without stopping to recharge. We have to rest our minds and bodies if we want to be the best version of ourself. Feel like you don’t have enough time? I’ve been there! You can check out my blog post ‘How to Make Time for a Little Self-Care‘ for some thoughts on this.

4. Treat others with kindness.

Yes it’s important to focus on self-care, but we also have to be kind to the people around us. Complimenting others, asking how they’re doing, being a servant and helping them when we can – all of these things are life-giving and will result in greater happiness for us, believe it or not.

5. One thing at a time.

This is something I really learned during my April Mindfulness Challenge: Mindfulness While Completing Tasks. Instead of trying to do a million things at once, try time-blocking. Set aside a certain amount of time for just one task and focus solely on that. For example: don’t grab your laptop and try to answer emails, work on something, shop, watch TV, and eat at the same time. You will feel so frazzled. Pick one thing, get it done, and move onto the next. πŸ™‚

6. Do something each day that brings you joy.

Doesn’t have to be big! Maybe it’s buying your favorite coffee or calling a friend you miss and need to catch up with. Intentionally do the things that you know make you happy, even on days when you’re feeling crappy.

7. Unplug.

Ok this one is SO huge. We tend to think that we need to be on our phone or computer almost constantly in order to keep up with the world around us and what we need to do. I promise you, taking a little time each day without any technology is so relaxing. Go for a walk and enjoy nature, take a bath, have dinner with a friend – just connect with the people and environment around you.


I hope these things help you have a successful week this week! As I always say, remember to have grace for yourself. Not every week is going to be amazing, the ups and downs are what make life life.

On a similar note, my friend Madison over at Vogue and a Latte just featured me in her Good Morning Series – you can read the post here where I share what my ideal morning looks like. πŸ™‚

Thanks for spending some time on my blog today!

XO Sorelle

Product and compensation for this post has been provided by francesca’s.